Blepharoplasty (eyelid plastic) is a surgical procedure that aims to eliminate excess skin and hernia of upper and lower eyelids.
Unconditional indication for the plasty of the upper eyelids is the presence of skin excess. This is manifested by the presence of additional wrinkled skin folds in the upper eyelid, which gives the face and gloom a gloomy, gloomy expression. Often, the reason that prompted the patient to see a doctor is not visual discontent, but the usual inconvenience in applying makeup and increased eye fatigue - excess skin of the upper eyelids just interferes with normal viewing, which is usually aggravated by the evening.
The essence of the operation is to remove excess skin, muscle fibers and fatty tissue, forming bags under the eyes or part of the overhanging century. Operative intervention is performed under local anesthesia (often in combination with intravenous anesthesia or sedation provided with tranquilizers) and usually lasts no more than 30-40 minutes. The incision of the eyelid passes along a natural fold, which later makes the scar imperceptible. When removing the overhanging eyelid, excess skin and fiber are removed, followed by stitching the skin. Two types of blepharoplasty are used to eliminate bags under the eyes. Classical involves cutting the skin of the lower eyelid and eliminating excess. With transconjunctival blepharoplasty, excess tissue is removed through the incision through the conjunctiva. This cut allows you to avoid visible scar, because in this case it is located on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.
During the operation itself, there are many nuances, only a thorough observance of which can lead to an ideal result. Blepharoplasty belongs to the category of complex surgical interventions and should be performed only in a hospital.
The result can be assessed 2-3 weeks after the operation, when all the inflammatory phenomena associated with the operation are undergoing. So, the patient after surgery usually experiences discomfort associated with the presence of stitches, as well as inflammatory tissue reaction. May disturb swelling, redness of the eyes, lacrimation or dryness of the eye, which is associated with incomplete closure of the eye gap. Usually all unpleasant symptoms take place within a few weeks after the operation. Sutures are removed on the 7th-8th day after the operation. Scars are usually invisible, as they occur in natural small folds in the upper eyelid. When using transconjunctival blepharoplasty, the scar on the skin of the lower eyelid is absent.
During the first 2-4 months, it is necessary to observe the correct water-salt regime. All medications should be performed only in consultation with the doctor.
A possible complication is the dry eye syndrome, which is manifested by a decrease in tear shedding of the eye, most often develops in people who suffered before the operation from insufficiently expressed tearing. Constant lacrimation is usually a common symptom after surgery due to irritation of the lacrimal gland. The prolonged existence of constant lacrimation speaks of possible damage to the lacrimal gland.
The most dangerous complication of blepharoplasty is a retrobulbar haematoma, associated with bleeding and blood accumulation behind the eyeball. Such a hematoma can lead to a visual impairment due to compression of the optic nerve.
Omission or ptosis of the eyelid occurs due to damage to the small nerve, innervating the muscle lifting the upper eyelid. The ectropion, manifested in the outward turning of the eyelid, arises from excessive excision of the skin. Lapophthalmus - incomplete closure of the eye can be a normal phenomenon in the early postoperative period, however, a long existence indicates excessive excision of the eyelid tissues.
Blepharoplasty has practically no age limits. However, there are a number of contraindications: severe cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, blood diseases, etc.